About Us

Maura Christine Ryan
John Brander

Maura and John are excited to share with you their passion for creative expression and conscious living! Through art, they capture and express the energetic essence of a scene, experience or idea. Each piece is designed to connect from within, enhance the viewer's life and uplift their spirit. The paintings portray various states of feeling, allowing the viewer to release blocked emotions. Maura and John also specialize in Quantum Art, which taps into universal energy to elevate your vibration as well as that of your home. Commissioned paintings can be based on your soul journey and attuned to your vibrational needs.

Maura brings her deep wisdom and intuition to whatever she creates. Her background is in life coaching and healing, professional engineering (University of Toronto) and business (MBA Schulich School of Business). John has vast experience in sailing, corporate finance (McMaster University Economics & MBA) and biology (Western University). Their combined expertise in science, creativity and spirituality enables them to bridge the energetic portal between left and right brain perception to produce original art that opens your senses and guides you through transformational portals.

Both John and Maura greatly value the natural beauty of Georgian Bay, and have had strong connections with the area all their lives. They have redesigned older cottages and properties in the area in ways that accentuate the character of the setting and elevate the energy of the space. Their art, crystals, retreats and numerology are some of the elements that they use to enhance people's lives.

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."


                                                                                     -Howard Thurman

  • your unique soul blueprint
  • your dormant gifts that want to be expressed
  • your senses




  • your vibration and feel the shift
  • your environment and other people
  • your attention to what really matters the most
  • a vision that really speaks to you
  • art to express your authentic self
  • what only you can deliver